214 research outputs found

    Assessing a Template Matching Approach for Tree Height and Position Extraction from Lidar-Derived Canopy Height Models of Pinus Pinaster Stands

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    In this paper, an assessment of a method using a correlation filter over a lidar-derived digital canopy height model (CHM) is presented. The objective of the procedure is to obtain stem density, position, and height values, on a stand with the following characteristics: ellipsoidal canopy shape (Pinus pinaster), even-aged and single-layer structure. The process consists of three steps: extracting a correlation map from CHM by applying a template whose size and shape resembles the canopy to be detected, applying a threshold mask to the correlation map to keep a subset of candidate-pixels, and then applying a local maximum filter to the remaining pixel groups. The method performs satisfactorily considering the experimental conditions. The mean tree extraction percentage is 65% with a coefficient of agreement of 0.4. The mean absolute error of height is ~0.5 m for all plots except one. It can be considered a valid approach for extracting tree density and height in regularly spaced stands (i.e., poplar plantations) which are fundamental for extracting related forest parameters such as volume and biomass

    Open software and standards in the realm of laser scanning technology

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    Abstract This review aims at introducing laser scanning technology and providing an overview of the contribution of open source projects for supporting the utilization and analysis of laser scanning data. Lidar technology is pushing to new frontiers in mapping and surveying topographic data. The open source community has supported this by providing libraries, standards, interfaces, modules all the way to full software. Such open solutions provide scientists and end-users valuable tools to access and work with lidar data, fostering new cutting-edge investigation and improvements of existing methods. The first part of this work provides an introduction on laser scanning principles, with references for further reading. It is followed by sections respectively reporting on open standards and formats for lidar data, tools and finally web-based solutions for accessing lidar data. It is not intended to provide a thorough review of state of the art regarding lidar technology itself, but to provide an overview of the open source toolkits available to the community to access, visualize, edit and process point clouds. A range of open source features for lidar data access and analysis is provided, providing an overview of what can be done with alternatives to commercial end-to-end solutions. Data standards and formats are also discussed, showing what are the challenges for storing and accessing massive point clouds. The desiderata are to provide scientists that have not yet worked with lidar data an overview of how this technology works and what open source tools can be a valid solution for their needs in analysing such data. Researchers that are already involved with lidar data will hopefully get ideas on integrating and improving their workflow through open source solutions

    Open source R for applying machine learning to RPAS remote sensing images

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    The increase in the number of remote sensing platforms, ranging from satellites to close-range Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), is leading to a growing demand for new image processing and classification tools. This article presents a comparison of the Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) machine-learning algorithms for extracting land-use classes in RPAS-derived orthomosaic using open source R packages. The camera used in this work captures the reflectance of the Red, Blue, Green and Near Infrared channels of a target. The full dataset is therefore a 4-channel raster image. The classification performance of the two methods is tested at varying sizes of training sets. The SVM and RF are evaluated using Kappa index, classification accuracy and classification error as accuracy metrics. The training sets are randomly obtained as subset of 2 to 20% of the total number of raster cells, with stratified sampling according to the land-use classes. Ten runs are done for each training set to calculate the variance in results. The control dataset consists of an independent classification obtained by photointerpretation. The validation is carried out(i) using the K-Fold cross validation, (ii) using the pixels from the validation test set, and (iii) using the pixels from the full test set. Validation with K-fold and with the validation dataset show SVM give better results, but RF prove to be more performing when training size is larger. Classification error and classification accuracy follow the trend of Kappa index

    Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Assessment of Standing and Lying Deadwood: Current Situation and New Perspectives

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    LiDAR technology is finding uses in the forest sector, not only for surveys in producing forests but also as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the three-dimensional component of forest environments. Developments of platforms and sensors in the last decades have highlighted the capacity of this technology to catch relevant details, even at finer scales. This drives its usage towards more ecological topics and applications for forest management. In recent years, nature protection policies have been focusing on deadwood as a key element for the health of forest ecosystems and wide-scale assessments are necessary for the planning process on a landscape scale. Initial studies showed promising results in the identification of bigger deadwood components (e.g., snags, logs, stumps), employing data not specifically collected for the purpose. Nevertheless, many efforts should still be made to transfer the available methodologies to an operational level. Newly available platforms (e.g., Mobile Laser Scanner) and sensors (e.g., Multispectral Laser Scanner) might provide new opportunities for this field of study in the near future

    Benchmark of machine learning methods for classification of a Sentinel-2 image

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    Thanks to mainly ESA and USGS, a large bulk of free images of the Earth is readily available nowadays. One of the main goals of remote sensing is to label images according to a set of semantic categories, i.e. image classification. This is a very challenging issue since land cover of a specific class may present a large spatial and spectral variability and objects may appear at different scales and orientations. In this study, we report the results of benchmarking 9 machine learning algorithms tested for accuracy and speed in training and classification of land-cover classes in a Sentinel-2 dataset. The following machine learning methods (MLM) have been tested: linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbour, random forests, support vector machines, multi layered perceptron, multi layered perceptron ensemble, ctree, boosting, logarithmic regression. The validation is carried out using a control dataset which consists of an independent classification in 11 land-cover classes of an area about 60 km2, obtained by manual visual interpretation of high resolution images (20 cm ground sampling distance) by experts. In this study five out of the eleven classes are used since the others have too few samples (pixels) for testing and validating subsets. The classes used are the following: (i) urban (ii) sowable areas (iii) water (iv) tree plantations (v) grasslands. Validation is carried out using three different approaches: (i) using pixels from the training dataset (train), (ii) using pixels from the training dataset and applying cross-validation with the k-fold method (kfold) and (iii) using all pixels from the control dataset. Five accuracy indices are calculated for the comparison between the values predicted with each model and control values over three sets of data: the training dataset (train), the whole control dataset (full) and with k-fold cross-validation (kfold) with ten folds. Results from validation of predictions of the whole dataset (full) show the random forests method with the highest values; kappa index ranging from 0.55 to 0.42 respectively with the most and least number pixels for training. The two neural networks (multi layered perceptron and its ensemble) and the support vector machines - with default radial basis function kernel - methods follow closely with comparable performanc

    Semi-automated detection of surface degradation on bridges based on a level set method

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    Due to the effect of climate factors, natural phenomena and human usage, buildings and infrastructures are subject of progressive degradation. The deterioration of these structures has to be monitored in order to avoid hazards for human beings and for the natural environment in their neighborhood. Hence, on the one hand, monitoring such infrastructures is of primarily importance. On the other hand, unfortunately, nowadays this monitoring effort is mostly done by expert and skilled personnel, which follow the overall data acquisition, analysis and result reporting process, making the whole monitoring procedure quite expensive for the public (and private, as well) agencies. This paper proposes the use of a partially user-assisted procedure in order to reduce the monitoring cost and to make the obtained result less subjective as well. The developed method relies on the use of images acquired with standard cameras by even inexperienced personnel. The deterioration on the infrastructure surface is detected by image segmentation based on a level sets method. The results of the semi-automated analysis procedure are remapped on a 3D model of the infrastructure obtained by means of a terrestrial laser scanning acquisition. The proposed method has been successfully tested on a portion of a road bridge in Perarolo di Cadore (BL), Italy

    Implementation and assessment of two density-based outlier detection methods over large spatial point clouds

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    Several technologies provide datasets consisting of a large number of spatial points, commonly referred to as point-clouds. These point datasets provide spatial information regarding the phenomenon that is to be investigated, adding value through knowledge of forms and spatial relationships. Accurate methods for automatic outlier detection is a key step. In this note we use a completely open-source workflow to assess two outlier detection methods, statistical outlier removal (SOR) filter and local outlier factor (LOF) filter. The latter was implemented ex-novo for this work using the Point Cloud Library (PCL) environment. Source code is available in a GitHub repository for inclusion in PCL builds. Two very different spatial point datasets are used for accuracy assessment. One is obtained from dense image matching of a photogrammetric survey (SfM) and the other from floating car data (FCD) coming from a smart-city mobility framework providing a position every second of two public transportation bus tracks. Outliers were simulated in the SfM dataset, and manually detected and selected in the FCD dataset. Simulation in SfM was carried out in order to create a controlled set with two classes of outliers: clustered points (up to 30 points per cluster) and isolated points, in both cases at random distances from the other points. Optimal number of nearest neighbours (KNN) and optimal thresholds of SOR and LOF values were defined using area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Absolute differences from median values of LOF and SOR (defined as LOF2 and SOR2) were also tested as metrics for detecting outliers, and optimal thresholds defined through AUC of ROC curves. Results show a strong dependency on the point distribution in the dataset and in the local density fluctuations. In SfM dataset the LOF2 and SOR2 methods performed best, with an optimal KNN value of 60; LOF2 approach gave a slightly better result if considering clustered outliers (true positive rate: LOF2\u2009=\u200959.7% SOR2\u2009=\u200953%). For FCD, SOR with low KNN values performed better for one of the two bus tracks, and LOF with high KNN values for the other; these differences are due to very different local point density. We conclude that choice of outlier detection algorithm very much depends on characteristic of the dataset\u2019s point distribution, no one-solution-fits-all. Conclusions provide some information of what characteristics of the datasets can help to choose the optimal method and KNN values

    A geodatabase for multisource data applied to cultural heritage: The case study of Villa Revedin Bolasco

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    In this paper we present the results of the development of a Web-based archiving and documenting system aimed to the management of multisource and multitemporal data related to cultural heritage. As case study we selected the building complex of Villa Revedin Bolasco in Castefranco Veneto (Treviso, Italy) and its park. Buildings and park were built in XIX century after several restorations of the original XIV century area. The data management system relies on a geodatabase framework, in which different kinds of datasets were stored. More specifically, the geodatabase elements consist of historical information, documents, descriptions of artistic characteristics of the building and the park, in the form of text and images. In addition, we used also floorplans, sections and views of the outer facades of the building extracted by a TLS-based 3D model of the whole Villa. In order to manage and explore these rich dataset, we developed a geodatabase using PostgreSQL and PostGIS as spatial plugin. The Web-GIS platform, based on HTML5 and PHP programming languages, implements the NASA Web World Wind virtual globe, a 3D virtual globe we used to enable the navigation and interactive exploration of the park. Furthermore, through a specific timeline function, the user can explore the historical evolution of the building complex

    Using Lidar Data to Analyse Sinkhole Characteristics Relevant for Understory Vegetation under Forest Cover\u2014Case Study of a High Karst Area in the Dinaric Mountains

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    In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts
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